Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I don't think I've been managing my time very well, because it's looking like I have 2 days to see everyone who I want to say goodbye to, and to pack up all of my belongings that I plan on taking to Baltimore. What an interesting predicament.

Tonight after dinner I went to my sister's house to visit with her family. It was nice to see them all, especially considering that camp prevented me from hanging out with them at all this summer. Isabelle and Cameron were playing with the dog, Ella, in the kiddie pool in the side yard, but when I pulled in the driveway all 3 of them came running up to give me hugs and kisses! Yay for wet kids and dogs! Belle, who will be turning 4 in October, was so adorable all night. She kept trying to get my attention while I was talking to Rachel and Ernie, "Hey, Aunt Hannah? Aunt Hannah!" And when I'd turn to her she'd just smile and say, "I love you!" And she had this little toy cell phone that makes calling noises and she goes, "Look, you just do this," (presses numbers 1-0 in order, then the call button) "and then you lift up your hair," (flips her curly wet hair to one side of her head) "and then talk!" I seriously love 4-year-olds. Especially when I'm their aunt. :)
And Cameron, who will be 13 in September, was just as hilarious as ever. He really does crack me up. And I'm so excited that we have the relationship that we do. Since he was born, I wanted us to have a special relationship. I was only 10, so I figured I would be close enough to his age that we could be friends, but so that he could still look up to me as a role model. I've tried to make sure to maintain a close relationship with him through the years, and I really think that we have a unique bond. For a little while last year it seemed like he was entering the "I'm too cool for you, especially because you're a girl" phase, but now it's amazing how affectionate he is. He calls me just to say hi, he says I love you even before I do, and today he was really upset when he had to say goodbye. I, of course, don't want him to be upset, but I am glad that he values our relationship. I'm definitely going to try to remain close, even though I'm moving away.
It's going to be hard to be away from my niece and nephew... I love being a part of their lives, and the last thing I want is to be one of those aunts (in this case I would pronounce it 'ahnt', rather than 'ant' like I normally do) who is totally disconnected from the kids' lives and sends the occasional present at birthdays and holidays. It's just really important for me to have a real relationship with them! And THEN!!! when we were chatting, Rachel told me that she and Ernie are pregnant! Hurrah! She's only about 5 weeks, but it's still super exciting. So where will I be when that baby is born? When (s)he is 1? 2? Ack. Growing up, moving away, being engaged.. it's all really great stuff and very exciting, but it sure is strange.


Heather said...

I'm excited for you, but sad that you are leaving. I hope that eventually you and Markus will make your way back here to stay. I can't be the only one living here! I was thinking that maybe we could all get together, siblings and significant others, and build a family compound, so we could enjoy one another's company, and our kids could grow up together. It's a nice thought, anyway.

Stephen Foster said...

You're moving to Baltimore?
I may be getting a job near Baltimore in the near future.

Markus said...

Stephen, are you moving in on my fiance? WTF?

Stephen Foster said...

Just making preparations should you die in a completely unforseen way that I am totally not involved with.

Self-Hating Shrew said...

We're looking at the Baltimore area too! It's pretty much contingent on whether one of us can get a job in that area, but it's certainly one of the places we've been looking into.

If we end up there, I want you to be my new friend. ;-) I'm in this domestic stage where I want to have dinner parties.