Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I'm trying to be positive. I'm trying to count my blessings.
But life just keeps going from bad to worse.
I know that I need to keep seeing the gifts in my life, or God might say, "Oh, you think this sucks? Well, watch out!"
Markus is working so much. It's unrelenting, wave after wave crashing down, and just when he thinks that he might be able to come up for some air, another one crashes. He's tired. He's frustrated. He's burning out at speeds only previously seen by meteors. And I feel helpless to it all.
Our car broke down last night. $300 to repair something in the fuel line.
Thankfully our friends Ben and Julia came to the rescue with their second car.
I took John to the airport this morning. And then he missed his connecting flight and won't be getting back to Erie until tomorrow afternoon. :-(
We have to buy our plane tickets to go home for the wedding in order for Markus to have his leave officially approved, but we don't have money to buy them!
(Dad might be helping us out with that one.)

Basically, we're very seriously going broke. I hope the universe is ready to give me a job.
Yesterday my landlady told me that her chiropractor's office is looking for a receptionist, so I'm definitely going to submit my resume and application ASAP. I'm crossing my fingers. Will you cross your fingers too?


Billy said...

*Fingers crossed*

The Sandwich Chronicler said...

Murphy's law dictates that your car will always break down when you need to pay for something else expensive and you don't have time to deal with it. Take a deep breath. We're all here and ready to help out if you guys need it.

Hannah said...

*deep breath* Thanks Mary.