Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A rambling update

I haven't been blogging much lately because my life is a little boring. Not boring... I don't know... I mean, life is good, I just don't have any friends or a job... the stuff that one would normally blog about.
Other than that, I'm starting to feel a little bit settled out here on the west coast. I still think almost daily about "where I am" (out west, pacific time zone, close to the Pacific Ocean, neighbors with Oregon and Idaho, near California, et cetera), which isn't something that you do when you're truly used to being in a place.

A week or so ago I wrote the following on my facebook page:

I keep thinking about those maps of the united states that show all the city lights. And I think the lights are people that I know. And my light is really far away from all of the others. All the others are sort of clumped together, casting a glow across the east coast. Mine is a single point, wrapped up with Markus' like focused headlights, with the thick fog causing it to glow and swallowing it up all at the same time.

If that explains anything.

I'm truly enjoying being with Markus, which is good, since that's why I'm here. It's so fun to be together!
Before I came out here, Markus went to a store in Olympia called Radiance that he thought I'd really like. I asked him to take me on Monday since he didn't have to work, and we ended up spending about 3 hours in the store! It's a really great place... I felt like I could just stay there all day. Probably my favorite part of the store was the book section - it was just full of great books about natural living, spirituality, baby-having, etc. And the absolute highlight was finding a binder in their reference section that had the names and contact information for local midwives! Woot! I'm going to call them soon (should have done that already, but I'm a total procrastinator... something I'm trying to work on) to see if I can shadow/apprentice. Oh man, I'm just so excited!
Oh, AND, I asked the owner (?) if they needed any help and she said "maybe," which I took to mean, "that depends on if you're cool enough to work here." They don't have applications, and just request that I bring in a resume with a cover letter that states why I want to work there, my availability, and my experience with herbs, natural living/healing, and customer service. I have been working on my resume today and I feel like it's probably done, but haven't yet started working on the cover letter.
I think I should have them printed on recycled paper. What do you think?

Alright, I'm just such a lazy bum these days. I try to do stuff around the house and not be a total slob, but I haven't showered yet today, so I'm going to go do that. And then, since it's not raining, I'm going to go for a walk! Mmm mmm mmm... outdoors. Yummy.


Billy said...

I think life is boring for awhile when you move somewhere new. I am still fairly bored here and I've been in Texas over two months. I've recently found a church group and hung out with them last night and had a blast though. Once you find a church maybe you guys can get involved with that. I recommend a Catholic one, mainly because I think its important that you do things right the first time :-)

Good luck making friends though-I know its hard, but you'll find some, I'm sure.

Tricia said...

Ooh! I reeally like your metaphor about the lights. I totally catch your drift. I'm sitting on your back porch. Smelling what you're stepping in. Sleeping in your bed. Etc.
And, my desktop background is actually the world map at night with all those lights, so I will choose a point and pretend it is you.