Monday, January 2, 2012

Hey, hey! Another year in review! Adios 2011!


New Year's at Disney World

With these lovely ladies


Another Summer Party at my place


Apparently not much, but I did buy a couple apple cozies!


Em's b-day dinner

And it was mostly nice out.


Spring sprung and Papa was happy

Mother's Day


Started rotations. Surgery first. (I'm wearing the flowery scrub cap)

wine tasting with the girls


Moved to Pittsburgh and enjoyed Frick Park

Visited mom at camp

Had a delicious Thai dinner for my birthday


Carissa and Edwin came to visit!

Warren County Fair with the girls. We realized that we were probably doing the same thing at the same time, 10 years prior. Then we felt old.

I found one of my favorite childhood playthings in a random field.

Pirates game

Steelers pre-season game. My first!


Vacation month! Melissa came to visit!

Brewgrass Festival in Asheville, NC

Navitat with Heidi

The fam came to visit me in Pittsburgh


cousin Emily's wedding

worked with a doctor who had a phoenix tattoo

And celebrated Phoenix's first birthday


Had to go to Michigan for a rotation, but got to see The Civil Wars!


free day at Carnegie Museum of Art. My heart skipped a beat when I saw this.

I saw Santa at the bar after my neighborhood holiday parade!

Home for a rotation + lots of time with my loves.

Here's to a happy and healthy 2012!

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