Wednesday, January 7, 2009


  • It's rainy here. Not the usual type of rainy, but "oh my, now everywhere is flooding" rainy.
  • I'm currently in the midst of applying to UW school of medicine, Seattle Midwifery School, and LECOM.
  • I got a haircut and a year's supply of contacts while I was home. These are two things I've now crossed off of my "things to do when I have some money" list. Woot.
  • I'm happy when I get to work for about the first hour. Then I'm just bored.
  • I'd really like to be spending my time working with/shadowing a midwife or doula, but I'm not having any luck in that department.
  • My face is breaking out like no one's business.
  • I have named 2007 and 2008 "the years of tears" and pledge to make 2009 a happier year. I just can't be so sad anymore.
  • Stephanie, Erika and I have decided to run a half marathon this spring. I'm excited, and think it will be good for me to challenge myself to do something that won't come easily.
That's all for now, folks.


Urban Organica said...

Oh, hi! Thanks for coming by! Last year I declared the year of happiness, & although it contained tears, too, it contained immense joy ~ a full year's worth, indeed. So have a wonderful year. Your chosen vocation is so important. If anything can save the word, it's midwives & doulas. Ours our dreams ~ Our boys are very proud of their births & really clear they co-created them. I'll be checking in...

Sara said...

I just wanted to say, "You go Hannah!" I didn't even know what a doula was until you wrote to me about them a few months ago. Since then, I've done a little more poking around online to learn more about them, and Pete and I have started to really think about using one when we have kids. Now that I know more about them, I feel even more strongly that you would make an incredible doula or midwife!! Keep plugging away at that goal. I wish you a wonderful 2009 filled with triumphs and happiness!

Hannah said...

Thanks for the encouragement, you two! I must say so far, so good. :)

Tricia said...

Aaahhhh. I love Hannah.