Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Mixed Messages


Today I went to the library to pick up a couple books that I had requested through interlibrary loan. In an attempt to get out of the house for a little while, I toted my books along with me to Forza and settled in with a super yummy soy caramel macchiato. I started to read Paths to Becoming a Midwife and just felt that every article, every word of advice, or piece of wisdom, was stoking this tiny fire that has been burning in my heart. And then! You will not believe... I found a 4-leaf clover that someone left in the book for me! What a wonderful sign! I wanted to keep reading, but I couldn't stand it any longer.... I had to call Amanda!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ backstory~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
(Have you seen Wayne's World? You know when they're in front of the green screen and 'visiting' different places? And between scenes, they wave their fingers up and down? No? Well, that's what ~*~*~*~* is supposed to indicate)

Ok, anyway. Maybe a month ago I mustered up the guts to call a local midwife to ask if she would allow me to shadow her. I'm not really looking for an apprenticeship at this time because -ta da!- I don't have a car! Or money to buy a car! So I thought that maybe I could just spend a little time with an experienced midwife each month or week so that I could gain some experience and wisdom... Anyway. The midwife I called is no longer practicing, so she referred me to someone "who will definitely be able to help" me, who is "super involved in teaching", yadda yadda yadda. So I call her. And she says that there is no room for me, that since I would not be bringing any skills, I would just be in the way. Boo.
(I opt not to argue, despite the fact that I do not think I am without skill. I am compassionate, nurturing, and always calm in the face of medical emergencies. I am the person that calmly calls 911 and relays the details of the situation. I have god-only-knows how many credits of upper-level biology. I've taken embryology. Microbiology. Physiology. Human Gross Anatomy. to name a few. I've dissected a human cadaver. I've attended a C-section. Blood doesn't gross me out. (needles do.) I chose to take Literature and the Healing Arts as my senior seminar, where we discussed everything from birth to death and all of the choices that come in between. I've counseled people who have HIV/AIDS. I've worked with and befriended people of different colors, religions, sexual preferences... So, I just don't think I'm completely unqualified. Sorry for the ramble.)

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~present day~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

So I decided to call another midwife, Amanda. I figured she would have a little more understanding, since it seems we have something in common. On her website she explains that she was called to be a midwife, and despite not having a family of her own, knew that midwifery was the right path for her. I thought, "this girl will definitely understand."
I called with such excitement that when she actually answered, I giggled. I went on the give my schpiel. (is that a real word that has a correct spelling?) And you know what she said?
That I would be in the way. That people who choose to have a home birth are very private, and wouldn't want me intruding.

The end.


This. is. very. discouraging.

But don't worry, I'm not giving up.


Tricia said...

Emotional + Rational appeal:

I loved reading all the qualifications you've accumulated! To help sell yourself, consider putting those into a resume for midwife shadowing! There's your rational appeal, which is pretty impressive.

Along the same lines, write a cover letter describing your journey into midwifery. There is your emotional appeal.

And maybe instead of going directly a midwife, find a pregnant couple who is using a midwife and have them tell their midwife that you are welcome to shadow their process. You know, just find a pregnant lady off the street. Hahaha

That part is not serious, but I am serious about the resume and cover letter. And maybe call back the retired midwife who seemed helpful and tell her about the responses you've gotten. She may be able to give you a professional reference, so to speak :)

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

Well, hey - I think tricia has a great idea here.

And yeah! I mean seriously, how are you supposed to get started? Are there any freestanding birth centers nearby? Maybe that would be another path to take.

I know this sounds insane because I am a two-time Caesarean birth mama, but I've always harbored a secret desire to be a midwife, too. Or maybe a doula. Maybe someday.

Anyway, good for you for not being discouraged. Please continue to share your journey!