Because I don't know how long it'll take for him to get around to it, I just wanted to give ya'll a Markus update. :) After driving across the country for 7 days, he pulled up to the front gate at Fort Lewis, Washington last night at about 9:30pm our time! I'm so glad that he's finally there and not driving so much anymore... I was starting to worry like my mom.
They are giving him a few days to get some paperwork and other miscellaneous things done, so he should have quite a bit of time to look at apartments for us! I'm getting sooooooo excited!
Ok, have a good day, bye bye.
Good. I'm glad someone is keeping us updated.
Well excuuuse me! I certainly would have liked to post an update, but - go figure! - I've been driving for over a week!!!
Anyway, an update in earnest is in the works... even though your impatience demonstrates that you don't deserve it.
Whoa mister.
Intense reaction-I just wanted to make sure you both realize this is Billy Reinstatler and not your other friend Billy
*sigh* It is so hard to convey fake anger online... I thought 3 u's would do it, but apparently not. My bad - will try harder in the future.
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