I had the most terrible day today. Really, it was actually terrible. Not just sad or depressing or infuriating or boring. Absolutely, downright terrible.
I'm exhausted from crying and I can't believe I didn't go to bed hours ago. I'm on my way now.
But I wanted to say something first. Well, really two things.
1. I just read a comment from Tricia on Adam's blog where she said "oi." And it made me laugh. Because today when I was at the doctor, I said, "oi vey" to the nurse, and she laughed at me and said she hadn't heard anyone say that since she went to college with a lot of Jewish girls.
2. My favorite band posted a comment on my myspace. This is more exciting than I could ever describe.
(post title thanks to Judith Viorst)
I am so sorry that you had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day :(
But that is VERY exciting about the myspace post! What did they say??
I love you much. I hope you get some good sleep.
I'm sorry, Hannah. I truly am.
I know what this feels like. I'm not going to offer any advice either, because I know how infuriating that is. I'm just going to let you know that I can commiserate.
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