Monday, August 27, 2007


I have a serious stomach ache.

When I was in high school, I would avoid the school like the plague during the summer. Then, on the first day back, driving over those railroad tracks and getting my first view of the school, I would nearly vomit. First days make me terribly nervous.

Last night my mind didn't want to go to sleep because it was afraid I wouldn't wake up in time for work. Once I finally got it to calm down enough to "sleep" it did crazy things all night. This morning I checked the crack between my bed and the wall to make sure that I didn't drop a piece of bread down there in the middle of the night. How strange.

Last week was so busy that I didn't have time to feel homesick. Maybe that's why they do it... I know that was our MO at camp. But now... I'm leaving the comfort of my new home and my new roommates and going out there all on my own. It really makes me miss home. Family. Friends. Gannon. Camp. And all the people that go with it.

Right now I would give just about anything to be playing in Erie with my wife, Katy, Gillis, Dugas, and Markus. :(


1 comment:

Tricia said...

Don't be sad! What fun things did you do last week? What fun things might you do this week?


I see you wrote this post at 7:30 in the morning. That is a great time to call me, just FYI.

Peace and love, lots :)