Saturday, June 23, 2007

too early to tell

I thought I would probably post today, but I'm not going to. Not really anyway. I don't feel ready to talk about camp... I still need to get used to it.

I'm sick of feeling awkward and out of place. I had a whole semester of that. Summer isn't supposed to be that way. Summer is supposed to be best friends and family and beaches and coookouts and bonfires and festivals and driving around singing country music.

I just checked my email and had several businessy things I need to take care of. This stresses me out because I'm not going to get to them... ever.
Will someone do some research and tell me which med schools to apply to? And then maybe fill out the application? Yeah, thanks.

Oh, and if you feel like sending me mail this summer:

c/o Camp Notre Dame
400 Eaton Road
Fairview, PA 16415


Markus said...

You are gonna get it...

Tricia said...

Oops, my mistake. The PO Box is actually the address during the offseason, and they only check it twice a week. 400 Eaton Road alone is the summer address, where mail comes daily.

See you tomorrow...